Friday, January 28, 2011

Bats and Us????

This last fall I participated in a musical. It was during a dress rehearsal the week before the show when I first met Jerry. He flew from a hidden perch somewhere in the theatre and landed on the stage, causing quite a commotion. Jerry, well, he is a bat.

A few nights after that incident, I was lying in bed, reading. Jerry happened to pop into my mind I wondered: Why would God deny such a creature its sight? It seemed slightly cruel for a while, until I thought about it a little more.

Bats are fascinating creatures. God did not give them the sight that He has given most other creatures. He gave them their sonic ability to use in place of that denied sight. Somehow, they live just fine without being able to see.

That brought me to see how much we have in common with the bats. God's plan for us is always in motion, though we don't always see that it is. Just as He gave bats their special abilities, He has given us a "replacement" as well. That would be the ability to have Faith

We must let faith guide us when we cannot see, because God knows what's best.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I remember Jerry. White Christmas was so fun. I miss those days....
