Monday, February 6, 2012

Matthew 6 verse 34

"so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
This was a verse that was very important to Kyle. We had it read at his funeral. I didn't really get it until recently. For me, I interpreted that previously to mean that god will only dish out what we can handle. I have struggled with that verse since Kyle's death. Under my old interpretation it was tough because it seems as though God has given me and my family and insurmountable task. It was Saturday when we attended the Rock and Worship Roadshow in honor of Kyle that it finally came to me. Today as we mourn his death on his 18th birthday, I decided to share this with whoever reads his blog. I realized the meaning of this verse is not "God only gives me what I can handle." The TRUE meaning to me is that ANYTHING is possible through God. This has lifted my burdens whenever think of this verse. I hope it will lift you up too if you are going through anything difficult.



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