Thursday, August 5, 2010

Don't Be a Garage Christian

A friend's facebook status yesterday read: "Sitting in church makes you no more Christian than sitting in a garage makes you a car."
This is so true! We can sit in church all day and still not be true Christians. The problem is that we give God his own little space, and that space extends to the property lines of our church. Once we leave Service we resume our everyday lives, leaving God all alone at His altar. That's what we do, but we don't have to continue doing it. God wants people to hear about him. He wants us to spread His word to everyone! Spread it to the masses: your family, your friends, believers, and those who still haven't come to Christ. Who knows, you may even help someone start their relationship with the LORD. Trust me, it's an amazing feeling.
So pray to the LORD. Ask Him to fill you with his love. Ask for understanding of His Word so you can spread it to His people.
Lastly, I ask you this: Will you bring God into your life? Will you stop being a Garage Christian? Amen

Spread the Word,

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